Monday, January 2, 2012

I clearly suck at blogging!

The title says it post was about 3 months ago! 

I've been following my plan and working out 3 - 5 times a week...but I am terrible with remembering to update this.

So anywho...small update I suppose...I haven't lost any significant amount of poundage yet.  I do feel a difference and am finally SEEING a bit of a difference.

New Years Eve I tried on my wedding dress and it was a lot looser than it was the last time I tried it on in November.  It totally made my night!  I also took a picture that night and it's the first picture I've taken where I can see a difference.

This is me toasting at midnight in Greece.  No, I am not in Greece, I'm on the east coast of the US, however my fiance who is currently deployed was ported in Greece on New Years this toast is for him. :-)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 12 - Skipped a day

I cheated yesterday.  So I'm doing a 'do over' for Day 12.  Last night I went to a pumpkin carving / Halloween party.  I cheating, but didn't do too bad.  I moderated my drinking and eating quite well, but still didn't stay on plan.  I made a Darth Vader
Ok, so it's not too great...but I tried! :-)

The diet worked well today...still getting tired of salads during lunch...but it's the easiest and most practical thing to make.  Chicken and green beans was dinner...was pretty tasty.

I joined a new site I leaned about today - Daily Mile.  It tracks how much jogging you do.  I also downloaded an app for my phone that goes with the site - runstar.  It allows you to track your workouts and then posts them to Daily Mile. 

I'm off to bed! :-)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 11 - Still going strong.

I haven't fallen off the wagon yet!!  I'm so proud of how serious I'm taking this.  Maybe its the boredom from deployment...or perhaps the motivation to be a drop-dead gorgeous bride next year...but whatever it is...I'm proud of myself. :-)  I've shave a little time off of my jogging route.  It took about 30 minutes when I I'm down to around 20. :-)  I haven't drank as much water today as I should have...but I'm still sticking to only water and green tea.  I really want more sweets, but I'll live. :-)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 8 - Where did that .5 come from?!

Still on day at a time.  I weighed myself this morning after being on plan one week...I gained 0.5 lb since weighing myself last - I'm at 181.8.  Not really sure where the .5 came from...but I'll just keep moving along.

I know I need to step it up in the exercise department.  I'm not working out after day - and I need to be if I want to see more results.  I don't have any excuses this it needs to happen! :-)

Overall today went okay...I incorporated a few other foods in my diet since I went grocery shopping last night.  I had tilapia tonight...was really good!

In other news...I sent Thomas his first care package AND ordered my wedding dress today.  I'm really excited...hopefully the dress will need tons of alterations due to my weight loss well it comes's hoping! :-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 7 - I discover sugar-free Jello.

I've made it a whole week!  It certainly hasn't been easy, but I'm certainly looking forward to weighing in tomorrow morning!  Today went ok...had hard boiled eggs and an orange for breakfast...Veggie soup for lunch...turkey burgers and broccoli for dinner.

I looked into my 17 Day Diet workbook tonight and realized sugar-free jello was on the Cycle 1 food list...definitely got some of that when I grocery shopped tonight.

Other than that I had a pretty uneventful day.  I think I'll finish my fiance's care package tonight - he had me pick up the new Batman game for him tonight so I have everything ready for the first package to send him. :-)

Here's how it looks so far -

Some of the contents...Thomas' version of porn and candy.

Other contents include the XBox game mentioned above, more tuna, and some nuts (the edible kind).

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 6 - Still want a cheeseburger.

I feel like such a fat kid.  I still want that burger.  BUT....unlike many other times I've been following a plan...I have not strayed to get said burger. :-)

Today I had 3 hard boiled eggs and an orange for breakfast...along with green tea.
A gigantic salad for lunch.
Chicken and green beans for dinner.  The chicken breast was pretty gigantic.

I feel like I need more variety for lunch.  Getting pretty tired of the same old salad each day.  Maybe try some soups?

I found a very helpful recipe list on The Docter's website - Cycle 1 Recipe List
I haven't tried too many recipes on the list yet though. 

Of to find some!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 5 - A small loss

Day 5 - Sunday, October 16, 2011
I weighed myself this morning (despite telling myself I would only weigh once a week!) - 181.3  So that's a loss of 2.7 pounds so far.  It's small...but still a loss!!

Today is a rather lazy day...watching football...Go Steelers!!

I want to run today, but I am SO sore from the 5k yesterday.  Perhaps once this football game is over I will get my ass up and moving! haha

I also want to work on a care package to send to my fiance...perhaps pictures of that will come soon.

So far today I have had 3 boiled eggs and I'm currently eating an orange.  Not much, I know...but I got out of bed around I didn't exactly wake up in time for breakfast.

I have a chicken breast thawing for dinner...that will probably be paired with a generous helping of broccoli....I love broccoli!!

Here's to having a good day!! :-)